English Lyrics VERSE 1 Christ triumphant, ever reigning, Saviour, Master, King! Lord of heav’n, our lives sustaining, hear us as we sing: REFRAIN Yours the glory and the crown, the high renown, the eternal name. VERSE 2 Word incarnate, truth revealing, Son of Man on earth! power and majesty concealing by your humble birth: REFRAIN Yours the glory and the crown, the high renown, the eternal name. VERSE 3 Suffering servant, scorned, ill – treated, victim crucified! death is through the cross defeated, sinners justified: REFRAIN Yours the glory and the crown, the high renown, the eternal name. VERSE 4 Priestly king, enthroned for ever high in heaven above! sin and death and hell shall never stifle hymns of love: REFRAIN Yours the glory and the crown, the high renown, the eternal name. VERSE 5 So, our hearts and voices raising through the ages long, ceaselessly upon you gazing, this shall be our song: REFRAIN Yours the glory and the crown, the high renown, the eternal name.
English Lyrics Have mercy upon me, O God, after thy great goodness: according to the multitude of thy mercies do away mine offences. Wash me throughly from my wickedness: and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my faults: and my sin is ever before me. Against thee only have I sinned, and done…
“Guide Me, O Thou Great Redeemer” is a hymn based on Psalm 23, which is one of the most well-known and beloved chapters in the Bible. The psalm itself is attributed to King David, who is considered one of the greatest kings in Israel’s history and a man after God’s own heart. The psalm is…
English Lyrics The King of love my Shepherd is,Whose goodness faileth never;I nothing lack if I am hisAnd he is mine for ever.Where streams of living water flowMy ransomed soul he leadeth,And where the verdant pastures growWith food celestial feedeth.Perverse and foolish oft I strayed,But yet in love he sought me,And on his shoulder gently…
English Lyrics What a friend we have in JesusAll our sins and griefs to bearAnd what a privilege to carryEverything to God in prayerOh, what peace we often forfeitOh, what needless pain we bearAll because we do not carryEverything to God in prayerHave we trials and temptations?Is there trouble anywhere?We should never be discouragedTake it…
English Lyrics Before the throne of God aboveI have a strong and perfect pleaA great High Priest whose name is loveWho ever lives and pleads for meMy name is graven on His handsMy name is written on His heartI know that while in heav’n He standsNo tongue can bid me thence departNo tongue can bid…
English Lyrics In Christ alone my hope is foundHe is my light, my strength, my songThis cornerstone, this solid groundFirm through the fiercest drought and stormWhat heights of love, what depths of peaceWhen fears are stilled, when strivings ceaseMy comforter, my all in allHere in the love of Christ I standIn Christ alone, who took…