I Cannot Tell

I Cannot Tell

English Lyrics Verse 1I cannot tell why He whom angels worshipShould set His love upon the souls of men,Or why as Shepherd He should seek the wanderers,To bring them back, they know nothow nor when.But this I know, that He was born of MaryWhen Bethlehem’s manger was His only home,And that He lived at Nazareth…

O Happy Day 

O Happy Day 

English Lyrics Version 1O happy day, that fixed my choiceOn thee, my Savior and my God!Well may this glowing heart rejoice,And tell its raptures all abroad.Refrain:Happy day, happy day,When Jesus washed my sins away!He taught me how to watch and pray,And live rejoicing ev’ry day:Happy day, happy day,When Jesus washed my sins away!O happy bond…

Christ Triumphant, Ever Reigning

Christ Triumphant, Ever Reigning

English Lyrics VERSE 1Christ triumphant, ever reigning,Saviour, Master, King!Lord of heav’n, our lives sustaining,hear us as we sing:REFRAINYours the glory and the crown,the high renown, the eternal name.VERSE 2Word incarnate, truth revealing,Son of Man on earth!power and majesty concealingby your humble birth:REFRAINYours the glory and the crown,the high renown, the eternal name.VERSE 3Suffering servant, scorned,…

Morning has Broken

Morning has Broken

English Lyrics Morning has broken like the first morningBlackbird has spoken like the first birdPraise for the singing, praise for the morningPraise for them springing fresh from the worldSweet the rains new fall, sunlit from HeavenLike the first dewfall on the first grassPraise for the sweetness of the wet gardenSprung in completeness where His feet…