Jesus as Presented in the New Testament’s Most Quoted Psalm

Jesus as Presented in the New Testament’s Most Quoted Psalm

Among all the verses in the Hebrew Bible, Psalm 110:1 is the most frequently cited in the New Testament. Moreover, verse 4 of the same psalm receives nearly an entire chapter’s worth of commentary in the book of Hebrews (Heb. 7:11–28). Clearly, the apostles and prophets regarded this messianic psalm as extremely important for understanding…

The Curtain Torn in Two: What Was the Significance of the Tearing of the Veil?

The Curtain Torn in Two: What Was the Significance of the Tearing of the Veil?

In The Lord of the Rings, the Doors of Durin prevent entry into Moria beneath the Misty Mountains. In The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, a mysterious wardrobe either allows or denies access to Narnia. And in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, a three – headed dog named Fluffy guards the way to the underground chambers….

Christ’s Threefold Ministry from Heaven’s Throne

Christ’s Threefold Ministry from Heaven’s Throne

The Apostles’ Creed affirms our belief that Christ “ascended to heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty.” Even though this ancient statement of core Christian beliefs acknowledges the ascension, it often doesn’t receive the same level of attention in modern discussions about Christ’s work. We tend to focus more…

Missionaries, Don’t Overlook the Urgency of Damnation

Missionaries, Don’t Overlook the Urgency of Damnation

Editors’ note: “Difficult but Beautiful Doctrines” is a long – form series that highlights the glory and necessity of theological truths that people in the post – Christian West often struggle to accept. “Thirty – one seconds before death.” This is how author Brandon Sanderson ominously foreshadows the inevitable, offering a peek into his characters’…

We Won’t Be Idle for Eternity: Insights from Revelation 22 on the Afterlife

We Won’t Be Idle for Eternity: Insights from Revelation 22 on the Afterlife

A recent survey shows that around 73% of adults in the United States believe in heaven. Moreover, about 60% of them think the afterlife means a future without suffering, where we’ll have “perfectly healthy bodies.” However, I think most people haven’t given much thought to what they’ll actually do with these bodies throughout eternity. This…