From Resentment to Connection: 5 Ways to Love Difficult People Without Losing Your Soul

夫妻, 恋人, 海滩, 日落, 爱, 地平线, 吻

Let me start with a humbling confession: Last year, I ghosted my own mother for three weeks. She’d criticized my parenting (again), and I snapped. But as I sat in my silent house, scrolling through old photos of her teaching me to ride a bike, God sucker-punched me with Romans 12:18: “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.”

Turns out, “difficult people” aren’t just annoying coworkers or grumpy uncles. Sometimes, they’re the ones who changed our diapers. After years of failed resolutions and tearful therapy sessions, here’s what I’ve learned about loving the unlovable—through my messy marriage, a feud with my homeschool co-op nemesis, and caring for my dementia-addled father-in-law.

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