From Resentment to Connection: 5 Ways to Love Difficult People Without Losing Your Soul

4. “Dig a Well Before You’re Thirsty” (Or: Why I Bake Cookies for My Rude Neighbor)
Mrs. Rodriguez called the cops when my toddler’s chalk art “defaced” her driveway. My husband wanted to retaliate. Instead, I baked her pan dulce and asked about her late husband’s mariachi band. Now, she babysits when we’re in a pinch.
The principle: Build bridges during peacetime. You can’t fix a relationship mid-explosion.
My action plan:
- For chronically difficult people: Invest 2 minutes weekly:
- Mail a meme their grandkid would like
- Water their plants during vacation
- Ask about their hobby (I now know way too much about Mrs. R’s ceramic owl collection)
- Scripture twist: “If your enemy is hungry, feed him” (Romans 12:20) becomes “If your enemy loves bonsai trees, compliment his juniper.”